Friday, December 10, 2010

Time Change. 12.11.10. 11:30am. Echo Park Boat House.

Dear Ravens,

Some of you know that I am part of the Bicycle Kitchen volunteer crew. With that said, the BK has been asked for the past 4 years to participate in the Echo Park Xmas Parade.  I had the intention to finish the ride at the parade, but they changed the schedule this year, and I just found out.  So,  to accommodate this BK yearly tradition on my daily shenanigans, I ask you to join us in the parade at 9:50am on Sunset and Douglas. We cyclists lead the parade off at 10am. I doubt it'll take more than 2 hours since we're just going to Park St.
The Raven Squadron will finally meet at the Echo Park Boat House when we get there, more likely around 11:30am and then, we shall take off  and hustle for 15 miles.  There will be music and cheer, it will be good ol' fun times.
I will try for this ride to have a steady day and time in the future, but for now, the one steady thing in my life is my heart beat.
See you there,
Lt. BoneCrusher

Monday, December 6, 2010

12.11.10 The Second Try

Dear Ravens,

I have heard your calls and I will accommodate your needs. The ride will now be in the 10-15 miles range for the rest of the month, we shall see how far we want to push for 2011.
This week's ride will meet on Sat. 11, 2010 at 9:30am at Cafecito Organico 710 N. Heliotrope Dr Los Angeles, CA 90029. We will leave at 10am sharp. The route will be posted soon.

Be part of the unkindness.

Lt. BoneCrusher